Our Projects

Students Under My Support

Financial Aid For House Construction

Families who were struggling to find a shelter and cannot afford rent or the construction cost are chosen with careful evaluation and aid is provided to them either in cash or materials needed for construction. Also, our staff works with government bodies to seek financial assistance for families through various schemes introduced by ministries according to their eligibility. Due to heavy floods and lighting, some of our students’ electronic items got damaged and AIM partners were kind e

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Distribution Of Smartphones

COVID-19 pandemic has thrown education around the world in a loop. schools and colleges are shut and students are stranded at home. To ensure that no child is left behind in education due to the pandemic situation, AIM decided to reach out to the needy. The students were selected on the basis of their financial status and smartphones were distributed by Student Counsellor. 

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Outreach Programs

    • This initiative focuses on the psychological well-being and mental fitness of students and this helps them to cope with difficult times in personal life and sustain a state of good mental health.     • On 8th June 2019, an outreach program was organized for AIM Adoor area students and the topic discussed was ‘Effective Communication’. The class was taken by Mr. Titus Thomas, the Student Counsellor and 20 students participated.     &bull

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Food Kit

Heavy rain and lockdown have affected some of our AIM students’ families. Making arrangements for daily bread is a herculean task for those families. Some of our families were living in high-risk zones. It surely will bring immense relief and satisfaction to those families by arranging a kit of essentials as a hand of support. Providing essential food items means a lot to those families with the single-parent, father or mother who has lost their job during the lockdown, parents who themsel

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Medical Camp

AIM also focuses on helping students who are in real need of medical care. It is offered to children who have severe medical problems and who can’t afford the medical expenses in any manner. On February 9th, 2019, AIM organized a medical camp in Ranni, Kerala, for the beneficiaries and their families. Around 160 people participated and it helped many members to have a proper medical checkup. One student was diagnosed with a cyst in her throat during the medical camp. The doctor advised s

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School Bag

Sponsor a child with a school bag – 1000 INR  Can you recall the day you went to school with a new school bag, new books, new school uniforms, and other new study materials? In fact, it was probably the best way to start a new academic year. Still, it is just a DREAM for many poor families, as they cannot afford the cost of school supplies. Providing students with such a gift can encourage them to improve their interest in studies. Thus, we introduced a new initiative to supply free

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We are Concerned about the Next Generation!

They may be Leaders of our Nation in the days to Come! So Nurturing the future leaders is our responsibility